
Reference the revelation of SWAROVSKI

Despite selling only artificial crystal, but sold jewelry price, this is SWAROVSKI's magic.In the current domestic jewelry industry generally depressed now, the hundred years of magic and bring about what kind of enlightenment?From the creation to the present, SWAROVSKI has experienced more than 100 years.

In 2007, SWAROVSKI group profit of 2560000000 euros.The family-owned company, succeeded in selling the luxury of artificial crystal."SWAROVSKI can sell the crystal jewelry prices, because it tells the consumer, I is the luxurious pronoun, to buy my stuff is a dream.

The cultural values have been fully experience.While the domestic brand all marketing and advertising at a cheap price, product, is good.Did not rise to the life style and cultural background of this plane, to communicate the brand's ideal and value.

"Zhang Dong points out, the product sells products, many domestic jewelry brand practices.In the SWAROVSKI brand, the core value is to continue to give the product a new fashion concept, and in the fierce competition in the market stand firm the heel fashion pioneer.

The brand contains elegant, holy, romantic and timeless cultural connotation, and SWAROVSKI products are endowed with deeper levels of meaning, so that the product is no longer simply goods.The design to make it more humane, press close to the life of people,Stud Earrings, and to some extent to meet the spiritual needs of people.

Innovative design concepts and the external form, make up the SWAROVSKI in the hearts of the people of fashion status, more optimization brand value.Jiangsu Province Institute of marketing a personage thinks, the difference of marketing is the key to actively look for gaps in the market, choose target market, consumers have yet to meet the personalized needs of mining, development new product capabilities, with a new brand value.

SWAROVSKI is a jewelry design style differences as the basis, to create a unique brand, the value out of the ordinary.For example, SWAROVSKI to artificial crystal launched "a concept, a style, a color" brought to its high added value.

Because of SWAROVSKI's designers mining crystal inside all the elements of every hue, created the symbol of crystal, but also to the SWAROVSKI created considerable profit, this is the style design in brand value difference marketing in the most direct expression.

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